Rick Chapman, Entrepreneur-in-Residence: Surviving COVID-19 – some practical advice for startups

Rick Chapman, Entrepreneur-in-Residence

Many businesses are facing severe challenges in the current crisis. Although not a definitive list, hopefully the following thoughts will give a framework for founders to consider, especially in smaller businesses. This is my personal response – I hope you find it helpful when considering your own challenges – Rick Chapman, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, SETsquared Bristol. Business…

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How to look at your company like an investor

Not all investors are equal. They each have different expectations and require subtly different information to be able to make a decision. So how do you know what kind of investor is best for your company? Stephen Bennington, Founder and Director of Krino Partners, runs workshops for SETsquared Bristol to help you to think like an…

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SETsquared Bristol panel event marks the launch of Back Her Business programme

On 26 November, SETsquared Bristol ran a panel discussion to launch a free Back Her Business pre-incubation programme, in collaboration with NatWest, to help women-formed businesses (including tech, tech enabled and non-tech businesses) access world class business support. Paul Forster, Community Manager at SETsquared, introduced the Back Her Business initiative, citing the Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship,…

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SETsquared Bristol Mentor Case Study – Suzanne Cole: It’s not your business, it’s theirs!

SETsquared Bristol maintains a high-quality pool of over 30 mentors, who offer their time pro-bono to mentor the Founders or management teams of SETsquared Bristol members. We had a chat with Suzanne Cole, Lecturer at University of Bristol’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, about how her background and experience in industry and education informed her…

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