Winners announced – Innovate UK Unlocking Potential Award

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SETsquared Bristol

Four SETsquared Bristol companies have secured funding from Innovate UK’s Unlocking Potential: Build Award to accelerate their innovations into development.

Eleria, Inclued AI, and SpatialCortex Technology have each received a £50k grant and access to tailored mentorship and support programmes.

The Innovate UK competition is investing a combined £6.2m into innovative projects with the power to transform society. Building on programmes like Women in Innovation and Young Innovators, it aims to level the playing field for innovation by supporting and funding innovators from groups that are currently under-represented or overlooked in innovation.


Two of the women founders of Eleria standing together smiling in front of foliageEleria will use the award to start production of their novel menstrual cleaning cup. Founders Kira Goode and Monica Wai, former University of Bristol students, received support through our Enterprising Women programme 3.0. The duo have also won a national competition hosted by the Royal Academy of Engineers, for which they will receive mentorship from Dragon’s Den star, Deborah Meaden.

Kira Goode, Co-Founder, Eleria said: “This funding will allow us to start building our team as well as begin some manufacturing to start bringing the product to life. We are very excited for what this grant is unlocking for our business and how it will accelerate our growth.”

Inclued AI

Inclued AI is an innovative AI-powered inclusivity tool poised to revolutionise the marketing landscape. Founder and CEO, Joyann Boyce, joined SETsquared Bristol in 2021 with our Breakthrough Bursary. Joyann has received training to help refine her investment strategy and pitch and went on to win Best Elevator Pitch award at Tech-Xpo 2022. helps users create healthier digital habits, with intelligent real-time support. Designed for those with ADHD, it will also help anyone struggling with distractions in our ever-increasing digital world to promote a balanced relationship with technology. Founder, Alastair Brayne, joined our Propel incubation programme in 2023.

Spatial Cortex Technology

Spatial Cortex Technology has developed a revolutionary bio-mechanical system that enables assessment of injury risks in the workplace, and AI analytics to protect staff from injury before it occurs. CEO Kailash Manohara Selvan is now working towards the product launch following successful MVP validations with Lab by Transport For Wales and London North Eastern Railway Future Labs 4.0.

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