Healthtech spotlight: SoleSense

Caz Icke, CEO and Founder of SoleSense - wiinner of Tech-Xpo 2023

A year on from SoleSense’s Best Elevator Pitch award at our flagship Tech-Xpo showcase, we had a chat with Founder and CEO, Caz Icke, to hear her story. SoleSense at a glance: Market sector: Healthtech Location: Bristol Number of employees: 3 Company growth status: Pre-seed Let’s start with SoleSense’s elevator pitch SoleSense is a wearable digital system…

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Healthtech spotlight: Jack Fertility

Founders of Jack Fertility wearing black and white Jack Fertility branded clothing

Jack Fertility has recently launched its £500K fundraising campaign to bring the world’s first home-to-lab sperm test kit to market. We had a chat with Co-founders, Lily Elsner and Nick Shipley, to hear their story… Jack Fertility at a glance: Start date: 2022 Market sector: Healthtech Location: Oxford Number of employees: 3 Amount of funding raised: £125k + government…

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getUBetter: Digital self-management for musculoskeletal conditions

Person holding phone with getUBetter logo and Recover, Prevention and Support on the screen

Following our member getUBetter’s partnership with numerous NHS trusts and invitation to join the NHS Innovation Accelerator, we had a chat with Founder and CEO, Dr Carey McClellan, to hear his story… getUBetter key facts Start date: 2013 Market sector: Healthtech Location: Bristol Number of employees: 30 Company growth status: Scaleup In your own words what does getUBetter do? We provide…

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Healthtech products – from innovation to implementation

There is a vibrant healthtech* cluster in the South West region, with over 90 healthtech startups alone in Bristol. This sector has huge potential for Bristol, but it also has significant market challenges, from how to navigate the NHS to the rapidly evolving international digital regulatory landscape. In this article we share advice for healthtech…

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Radii Devices: Redefining prosthetics and orthotics

Following our member Radii Devices‘ recent grant funding success with Innovate UK’s Biomedical Catalyst fund, we had a chat with Founder and CEO, Joshua Steer, to find out about his journey from researcher to medtech startup… Radii Devices key facts Start date: April 2020 Market sector: Medtech Location:  Engine Shed, Bristol Number of employees: 6 Company growth status: About…

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getUBetter invited to join NHS Innovation Accelerator

Dr. Carey McClellan, CEO of our member company getUBetter, has been invited to join the prestigious NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) as a Fellow. NIA was established in 2020 to support exceptional individuals to scale promising innovations across England’s NHS. getUBetter has experienced significant growth over the last 12 months and is now providing its digital self-management…

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