Dr Becky Sage – Bringing science to life

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SETsquared Bristol

After four years in development, Interactive Scientific and its Nano Simbox is set to revolutionise science learning. David Clensy talks to chief executive Dr Becky Sage.

“When I was at school, getting my head around chemistry mostly involved staring at a faded copy of the periodic table that hung on the wall – mystifying me and generations of pupils before me – while a world-weary teacher did something mildly alarming with a test tube and a Bunsen burner.

But in the 21st century the way we learn about science, and grapple with complex concepts like molecular chemistry, could become much more absorbing, thanks to new software being developed in Bristol.

The business was the brainchild of Bristol University academic Dr David Glowacki, who focuses on human interaction around molecular dynamics in his day job. His idea was to create immersive software that could inspire a new generation to discover a love and appreciation for complex scientific ideas.”

Read the interview here

Find out more about Becky Sage and Interactive Scientific by reading our case study.

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