Interview with Mustafa Rampuri: Ambitions for enterprise and quantum technology in Bristol

We had a chat with Mustafa Rampuri, Director of Enterprise Services and the Quantum Technology Innovation Centre (QTIC+) at University of Bristol, about his ambitions for enterprise and quantum technology in Bristol, and how these connect with the SETsquared Bristol incubation programme.  For those that don’t know much about you, what is your role and what is your background?  My role as Director of Enterprise Services is to help the University of…

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Welcome to returning members and new tenants to our office space

The lifeblood of growing a business isn’t only the access to world-class business support, but also the access to a supportive community, valuable network and a space to bring teams together to create and innovate. During the pandemic, we’ve seen that working from home has its challenges, including the loss of face-to-face interaction and getting…

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Great one-to-ones and other habits of effective leaders

SETsquared Bristol ran an interactive workshop led by Rich Littledale and Amy Christenson, Founders of Startup People Clinic, to empower attendees to become effective leaders. Rich and Amy bring deep people insight from business psychology and coaching, as well as pragmatism from time in-house, and experience supporting leading startups. Here we share our top tips…

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#Idea2Pitch returns as part of Bristol Technology Festival to help startups deliver a winning pitch

SETsquared Bristol’s free #Idea2Pitch workshop for tech entrepreneurs is returning on 10th November at Engine Shed as part of Bristol Technology Festival. #Idea2Pitch is a chance for novice entrepreneurs to explore the viability of a new business idea, or an opportunity for early stage companies to enhance and hone their skills before approaching investors. This…

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How to turn a good idea into a successful product

On 30 April 2020, Dr. Steve Kitson, CEO of IMPAX Consulting, ran a workshop for SETsquared Bristol to help attendees understand the steps involved in developing a product and bringing it to market. In a career that spans academia, multinationals and startups, Steve has developed technology ranging from quantum optics to plastic displays and grew his last venture,…

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Lisa Matthews, Business Incubation Manager: The new SETsquared ‘virtual reality’ bringing opportunities for tech ventures

It was 5:05pm on a Tuesday evening, in the SETsquared office at Engine Shed. Steve Edwards (Centre Director) turned to me and said “well I guess tomorrow’s a good a day as any”. The full realisation of what had just happened started to dawn on me. We’d spent the day in a Covid-management planning meeting (just like COBRA, but fewer biscuits), and had made the…

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