Stewart Noakes: Becoming investment ready

Stewart Noakes, Entrepreneur in Residence at SETsquared Bristol, shares his guide to becoming investment ready for technology startups. So, you want to raise seed funds for your idea, but with so much information out there it can be hard to find where you should start. Every investor seems to ask you something different and when you’ve…

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Safetytech startup spacebands overfunded at £1m investment

spacebands founders smiling sitting on sofa in living room

spacebands, a startup that creates software and wearable technology to make workplaces safer, has overfunded its initial seed investment target of £600,000 to hit a total of £1m investment. It has also been approved for Innovate UK’s Future Economy Fund grant of £250,000.  The startup was founded by award-winning entrepreneurs Harry Kimberley-Bowen and Ronan Finnegan…

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Voltric: Tech-enabled solutions for electric vehicle driving

Julian Mensah, Founder of Voltric

Following our member Voltric’s recent seed fundraiser launch and significant pre-seed investment round, we had a chat with Chief Executive, Julian Mensah, to hear his story… Voltric key facts Start date: January 2020 Market sector: Mobility Location: Newport Number of employees: 5 Company growth status: Seed stage In your own words tell us what Voltric does? Voltric provides electric vehicles…

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Introducing Kimberley Brook, Interim Director at SETsquared Bristol

Kimberley Brook, Interim Director at SETsquared Bristol

We’re delighted to welcome Kimberley Brook as our new interim Director at SETsquared Bristol. As Director, Kim will focus on the strategic growth of our incubation and pre-incubation programmes, alongside the development of corporate partnerships and investor relations.  Kim takes the helm from Marty Reid who has taken up the role of Interim Executive Director…

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Anna-Lisa Wesley: Down with the elevator pitch, up with good chat

Anna-Lisa Wesley at SETsquared Bristol

Anna-Lisa Wesley, Entrepreneur in Residence at SETsquared Bristol, shares her six-step guide to get through informal pitch situations with your reputation intact and maybe even a few hot leads. For as long as I’ve been in business we‘ve been talking about refining the elevator pitch. That idea that an entrepreneur might serendipitously find themselves in…

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Emm develops world’s first biowearable for female health

Emm team - three people outside smiling

Emm, a Bristol-based biotech startup, has developed a first-of-its-kind biowearable with the potential to revolutionise female health. Having closed its pre-seed funding of over $1million, it is now in Beta testing, readying for full production and launch in 2023. Founded in 2020, the company joined SETsquared Bristol in May 2021 and is working in partnership…

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Ferryx: Innovative biotech solutions to common gut problems

Ferryx - Ferrocalm package design, hand holding package with turquoise background

We had a chat with Dr Jenny Bailey, Co-founder and CEO of Ferryx, to hear her story. The University of Bristol spin-out has recently raised £300k seed capital and been awarded an Innovate Fast Start grant for further development of its innovative solution to common gut problems. Ferryx key facts: Start date:  September 2019 Market sector: Healthtech…

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Diverse founders are worth investing in – Paul Forster

Paul, Anna-Lisa and Lara Lalemi at Enterprising Women 2.0 Showcase

It’s a fitting time for an update on SETsquared Bristol’s equality, diversity and inclusion work as October is Black History Month, plus Ada Lovelace Day, Dyslexia Awareness Week and Diwali all fall within this month. Yet it’s been only a year since my last update, and year can be a short time in the world…

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Healthtech products – from innovation to implementation

There is a vibrant healthtech* cluster in the South West region, with over 90 healthtech startups alone in Bristol. This sector has huge potential for Bristol, but it also has significant market challenges, from how to navigate the NHS to the rapidly evolving international digital regulatory landscape. In this article we share advice for healthtech…

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