Forth raise £1.6m to launch ground-breaking femtech product

SETsquared Bristol member, Forth, is set to capitalise on the growth in the female science and technology market as it has secured £1.6m funding to support the launch of its ground-breaking female health product. Leading the team at Forth is CEO and Co-founder Sarah Bolt. She said: “Today, more and more people are realising that…

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FluoretiQ case study: Revolutionising bacterial diagnostics

To help our aspiring entrepreneurs and future SETsquared Bristol members, we showcase member and alumni case studies demonstrating the breadth of tech at SETsquared Bristol and what it takes to achieve success. We had a chat with FluoretiQ Co-founder and CEO, Neciah Dorh… FluoretiQ Key Facts Start date: 2 March 2017 Market sector: Healthcare (Diagnostics) Location:  Bristol Number of employees: 10…

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Plans announced for FinTech West Accelerator

We were delighted to announce plans for a FinTech West Accelerator in partnership with Engine Shed during the FinTech West Summit at Bristol Technology Festival 2021. Drawing on recently published research from the University of Bristol, our vision is for a collaborative regional programme placed at the heart of a partnership of industry, academia and the regional technology…

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Baking sustainability into the startup cake

On 28 September 2021 we ran a workshop on how to embed sustainable practices into a startup. The session was led by Eleanor Akers, Director of Innovative Energy Consultants, whose focus is on helping businesses grow sustainably. Here we share our top tips from the session. What is sustainability? A useful way of thinking about…

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Airway Medical complete first working prototype

Our member, Airway Medical, in collaboration with the University of Portsmouth and Versarien PLC have announced the conclusion of their project to further the development of The AMSU™ – a novel airway suction device that will soon be helping to save the lives of patients with blocked airways and improving the well-being of people with…

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Inspiring girls and women to find their place in a technology career on Ada Lovelace Day

On Tuesday 12 October, we were delighted to host our fourth ‘Inspiring Women and Girls In STEAM’ event, in celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, in partnership with Engine Shed.   Ada Lovelace, a 19th century mathematician, is widely credited as the first computer programmer, and best known for her work with Charles Babbage to develop the ‘Analytical Engine’…

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Startup advice from Anna-Lisa Wesley, Entrepreneur in Residence

Anna-Lisa Wesley wearing blue top in front of grey background

In the first of a series of startup advice features with our Entrepreneurs in Residence (EiRs), we had a chat with Anna-Lisa Wesley to hear her top tips for startups. Our EiRs work with our members to provide support, advice and recommendations drawn from their own entrepreneurial backgrounds and specialist experience. In what ways does your…

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Bristol Technology Festival unveils schedule for October showcase

Bristol Technology Festival (BTF) has unveiled a packed schedule for its tech showcase event, taking place next week, 11-15 October 2021. Now into its third edition, BTF is an annual celebration designed to bring together events, people and communities to share, learn and explore technology developments in the southwest region. Events will encompass a range…

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LatchAid case study: Using tech to support breastfeeding and motherhood

To help our aspiring entrepreneurs and future SETsquared Bristol members, we showcase member and alumni case studies demonstrating the breadth of tech at SETsquared Bristol and what it takes to achieve success. We had a chat with LatchAid Founder and CEO, Dr. Chen Mao Davies… LatchAid Key Facts Start date: July 2018 Market sector: Femtech Location: Bristol Number of employees: 3 Amount…

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Paul Forster, Community Manager: Working towards a more inclusive and equal tech scene

Anybody with half an eye on the global, national, or local tech scene will know that it’s a primarily a pale, male and stale affair. In other words, whether we’re talking global behemoths or scrappy startups, they’re traditionally helmed by white men.   When I first started as Community Manager at SETsquared Bristol some four and a half years ago, one of the first conversations I had…

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